Changing Asian and Global Scenarios, and Takeaways for Pakistan

6 years ago

When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. -African proverb  A change in leadership for any nation has always…

An Opening for Useful Steps to Dampen Confrontation on the Subcontinent?

6 years ago

Will India and Pakistan be able to take constructive steps away from periodic crises and confrontation? The smart money bets…

Water: Sacred or Sacrilegious

6 years ago

Riverbanks have always been the cradle of civilizations. Ease of access to water and abundance of this resource has been…

Uzbekistan: Rising Star of the Afghan Peace Process

6 years ago

Uzbekistan is one of Afghanistan’s smallest neighbours, with a much smaller population compared to Pakistan or China, and a very…

(Un)Monitoring the Unfathomable Insecurity in Afghanistan – The New Nadir of Stupidity

6 years ago

One of the most well renowned Prussian General and Military Theorist van Clausewitz in his book On War posited, “…

‘Islamic State (IS)-India’: A New Threat to the Regional and International Security

6 years ago

A 20-month long investigation by the Conflict Armament Research (CAR) in its key findings had concluded that 50 commercial entities…

Nukes are not for Diwali, these are for elections…!

6 years ago

While addressing an election rally in Rajasthan on 21st April 2019, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed that India’s “nuclear…

Pulwama, India and the Indians: A Hostage Narrative

6 years ago

Shakespeare’s, everlastingly recurrent tragedy, Macbeth opens with these lines uttered by the omniscient witches: “fair is foul and foul is…

Modi’s ‘Qatal Ki Raat’ (The Night of Massacre)

6 years ago

One of the most ruthless characters in the famous series ‘Game of Thrones’ was Aerys II Targaryen, also known as…

Offensive Diplomacy……why not!

6 years ago

Diplomacy is an art. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, it is the art of telling someone to go to hell and…