BJP Rule and Its Impact on Indian Society

4 years ago

A nation's success is determined on various indicators, including GDP; however, GDP is no longer the most effective measure with new metrics in…

China-Iran Strategic Pact: Window of opportunity for Strengthening Pak-Iran Relations

4 years ago

A long-term bilateral deal between China and Iran is ringing bells in Washington. By overstating the deal, the US media…

Democracy Broken Down India- Says ‘V-Dem’ Democracy Report 2021

4 years ago

In the words of Joseph Naye, “The soft power is the ability to get what you want, but through attraction…

Book Review: “Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence Stability in South Asia”

4 years ago

In his 1961 classic entitled ‘Deterrence and Defense’, Glenn H. Snyder, while terming deterrence a function of the total cost-gain…

AK-47: ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’!

4 years ago

Disagreements and conflicts have been a part of history since mankind’s creation. It is always well said that Conflicts are…

Indian Hybrid Warfare against Pakistan

4 years ago

One of the great military thinkers, Carl von Clausewitz, once stated, “Every age has its own kind of war, its…

India-Pakistan Rapprochement and the Quest for a Comprehensive Security

4 years ago

After almost a decade of 'ugly instability,' South Asia is once again moving towards a period of 'relative stability that…

Indo-Pak Nuclear Poker

4 years ago

Ever since the Kargil conflict, Pakistan was projected as a state that uses its nuclear capability for coercion and was…

Of Ignored Intelligence Warnings and Modi’s Kafkaesque Little War

4 years ago

While there has been a view all along that Pulwama was a false flag operation aimed at achieving Modi’s political…

Political Education: A Civic Responsibility

4 years ago

Masses become a nation when they have a common goal and they strive to get that goal through their collective…