Kashmir- A long war on Humanity

4 years ago

India has lost its standing in the world as a secular, pluralistic  democratic country. Under the rule of Bhartiya Janta…

Neo-Bilateralism: Pakistan Avoiding a Catch-22

4 years ago

Pakistan has long remained under the radars of the great powers as a courtesy of her geostrategic and geopolitical significance.…

The Rise of China & the New Cold War

4 years ago

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the end of the 20th century Cold War and created a…

The Indo-US Strategic Partnership: Is America Betting on the Wrong Horse?

4 years ago

Despite the continuing aggrandizement of the "Indo-US Strategic Partnership" by Indian intelligentsia and strategic circles coupled with the megalomaniac celebrations…

Tilt in South Asian Strategic Balance – Challenge for Pakistan

4 years ago

The size of the Indian Armed Forces has always been bigger in comparison to Pakistan. However, Pakistan successfully maintained the…

Pandemic within Pandemic: Modern Day Civil War

4 years ago

2020, perceived as among the worst years in history, bringing misery but mostly catastrophic circumstances to the people of this…

The Civilians Living on the Edge: Ceasefire Violations on the Line of Control

4 years ago

On December 18, 2020, the public relations wing of the Pakistan Army shared that a vehicle of the United Nations…

The Cynical Facet of Indo-US Strategic Partnership

4 years ago

The signing of the Basic Exchange Cooperation Agreement (BECA) between India and the USA has cemented the former’s position as…

Indo-US Entente and India’s Ambition to Assert Itself as a ‘Pole’?

4 years ago

As the world moves into a new phase of considered least stable multi-polarity, three great powers videlicet, the United States…

Media Reporting and Rape Culture

4 years ago

The year 2020 has consistently put spotlight on the shameful fact that not only does Pakistan remain unsafe for women,…