Normalizing Ties with Israel: Pakistan’s Stance

4 years ago

“Pakistan will never recognize Israel until Palestinians are given their right of a just settlement.” This was the statement given…

Political and Technological Dimensions of Revolution in Strategic Affairs

4 years ago

From recent technological innovations to the initiation of the age of ‘Internet of Things’, humans have increasingly become dependent on…

The Rise of Neo-Hinduism in India

4 years ago

The EU DisinfoLab, an NGO working on investigations related to disinformation campaigns targeting EU member states has released a 90-page…


4 years ago


Artificial Intelligence and Countering Terrorism

4 years ago

Machines and systems today display simulations of the intellectual and cognitive processes that are possessed by humans. A foreknown certainty…

India’s Kristallnacht

4 years ago

The impact of events in shaping a nation’s mindset cannot be understated. They help to formulate and create the culture…

String of Pearls – China’s Emerging Strategic Culture

4 years ago

Strategic culture in the 21st century has moved from its outdated standpoint of the 20th century and is more focused…

Of Foreign Policy and National Security: Broadening the Framework in Pakistan

4 years ago

One of the principal objectives of Pakistan’s foreign policy has been to safeguard the country from a host of security…

India’s Joining of Hypersonic Club and its Repercussions on Pakistan

4 years ago

With the recent successful testing of scramjet-powered ‘Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle’ (HSTDV) by India, alarming notions for the strategic stability…

Kashmir Issue: A Looming Affair for Nepal

4 years ago

The issue of Kashmir has remained the most important geo-strategic issue of the region, and because it challenges regional peace…