Hindutva – Indian Policy Towards Jammu & Kashmir

5 years ago

In many parts of India, the ideology of Hindutva was considered as a religion. In 1995, the Supreme Court of…

Military Effectiveness Amid COVID-19

5 years ago

While COVID-19, the deadly Pandemic has unravelled the socio-economic foundations and norms of the international community not much has been…

Carrier Strike Groups in Emerging War Theatres

5 years ago

The importance of naval power projection can be encapsulated in the words of Erich Raeder, “All wars will be settled…

The Weaponization of Outer Space and the International law

5 years ago

Today, the utility of the satellite-based objects for civilian and military activities has increasingly grown leading to an expansion of…

India and the Line of Control: Reducing Reputational Damage

5 years ago

In a recent talk, Pakistani nuclear scholar, Dr. Rabia Akhtar remarked that, going forward, India might try to exact “Surrogate…

Reorientation of Pakistan’s Policy Towards Afghanistan

5 years ago

Pakistan policy towards Afghanistan is in the process of reorientation primarily due to rapidly changing regional geo-political dynamics and strong…

Indian Nuclear Stockpiles- A Leading Dangerous Trajectory

5 years ago

The inevitable repercussions of Indian nuclear stockpiles remain unworthy for the international community to probe. The immediate threat of nuclear…

China’s “Fishing Pole Diplomacy”

5 years ago

 South China Sea has become embroiled in disagreements for various reasons. To appreciate the extent of the dispute, it is…

Countering BLA: A Combined Threat to Pakistan and China

5 years ago

The events of June 29, 2020 were aimed at denting another substantive symbol of strategic partnership between Pakistan and China.…

Post Covid-19: New World Order

5 years ago

The world is going through a parlous situation at the moment. Everything seems to be obscure and dubious. The current…