Deforestation: Consequences of Pandemic Proportions

5 years ago

1 word. 11 letters. 5 syllables. As of January 2020, it is the most powerful word in the world. A…

ICJ’s Advisory Opinion on the ‘Use’ or ‘Threat of Use’ of NWs

5 years ago

By a letter dated 19 December 1994, filed in the Registry on 6 January 1995, the Secretary-General of the United…

China-US Cold War: Implications on India and Pakistan

5 years ago

What is cold war? The term ‘cold war’ was used for the first time by a famous British writer George Orwell…

India: A Teacher’s Pet

5 years ago

Twenty-two years ago, in May 1998, India and Pakistan carried out a series of nuclear weapons tests. India conducted nuclear…

Credibility of Accountable Nuclear Deterrents?

5 years ago

Recently a new arms control paradigm was proposed. The tenets of this proposition centre around two arguments. First, how much…

Pakistan’s New Proposal to Develop Consensus on Nonproliferation and Disarmament

5 years ago

Speaking at the Conference on Disarmament (CD) Geneva, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative (PR), Amb Khalil Hashmi has outlined a roadmap that…

Indian Brutality in Kashmir – A Critical Visual Reflection

5 years ago

On the morning of 1 July 2020, a 65 years old person (identified as Bashir Ahmed) was shot dead in…

Understanding Proxy Wars: A Middle Eastern Case Study

5 years ago

The end of WW2 gave birth to a new concept of warfare - cold war. This new warfare was the…

Radiation Sterilization of COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

5 years ago

The novel coronavirus outbreak is believed to have started in December 2019, and was declared a pandemic (COVID-19) in the…

Conflict on Himalaya: Challenges and Opportunities

5 years ago

That they go together is by now amongst those Chinese words of wisdom, which have so often been quoted that…