Tracing Hindu-Muslim conflict

5 years ago

Tracing Hindu-Muslim conflict Hindu-Muslim conflict in Indian society is very deep rooted. It is mainly guided by the religious fanatics…

The Supplemental Low Yield SLBM Warhead – Strategic Implications

5 years ago

The Supplemental Low Yield SLBM Warhead – Strategic Implications In February 2020 the US fielded a new low yield SLBM…

India – US Defence Deal 2020: The Strategic Dimension

5 years ago

India - US Defence Deal 2020: The Strategic Dimension India – United States Defence Deal signed during President Donald Trump’s…

How Different is the “New Normal” from the Old Normal in South Asian Crises?

5 years ago

How Different is the “New Normal” from the Old Normal in South Asian Crises? The summer “fighting season” in Kashmir…

The Indian Army’s Delusions of Grandeur

5 years ago

In a recent interview to strategic affairs analyst Nitin Gokhale, Indian Army chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane commented on various…

COVID-19 & India’s Hindutva Xenophobic Agenda

5 years ago

While the world is grappling with the pandemic COVID-19, India is exploiting this opportunity to push its Hindutva agenda. Coronavirus…

The Rise and Decline of Tanks in the Battlefield

5 years ago

Tank Wars.     Tanks are among few weapon systems which have transformed the pattern of warfare. As the quote goes “necessity…

Rising Clouds on the Eastern Horizon

5 years ago

COVID-19 is an affliction that has engulfed the entire human race regardless of their affinity to a specific religion, language…

COVID Politics in India

5 years ago

The recently released report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom ( USCIRF) for 2020 has designated India as…

The Chronic Imbalance

5 years ago

Your civilization will commit suicide with its own dagger What’s built on a shaky foundation will not last long  Allama…