The Quad: Why is India Shy of a Full-fledged Military Makeover?

5 years ago

The very purpose of the Quad - to serve a collective answer to the Chinese hegemonic attitude in the Indo-Pacific…

Pakistan’s “Indecision-Making”

5 years ago

The Kuala Lumpur Summit in Malaysia, which is being dubbed as the beginning of a new Islamic bloc, ostensibly to…

The North Korean Conundrum

5 years ago

North Korea is ramping up its nuclear strength with an accelerated push to induct new technologies in order to modernize…

Musharraf’s Trial – Travesty of Justice?

5 years ago

Not only was a guilty verdict passed upon General Pervez Musharraf, but he was meted the death sentence for high…

Will Gen Bipin as the New CDS Improve India’s Military Management Structure?

5 years ago

The Indian military is often criticized for not delivering in times of crisis. The Feb 2019 crisis is the most…

Kashmir Reorganization Act and India’s Anti-Muslim Drive

5 years ago

After the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act was passed in August 2019, Indian Occupied Kashmir was divided into two Union…

Modi’s Identity Politics in Post-Secular India: A Threat to Peace in South Asia

5 years ago

India has gradually transformed from a secular democracy into a Hindu majoritarian polity. This has happened in sequence to BJP’s…

Impact of Emerging Technologies on South Asian Strategic Stability

5 years ago

The Arms Control and Disarmament (AC&D) is under strain due to renewed geopolitical tensions; evolving nuclear doctrines; the collapse of…

Indian Aerospace Modernization: Implications for Strategic Stability in South Asia

5 years ago

Military modernization, as theory and practice, has been the process of changes and sophistication in warfighting doctrines and military capabilities…

Israel and India: Doppelgangers?

5 years ago

The post-Pulwama military crisis and India’s recent move to revoke articles 370 and 35(A), which gave Indian-held Kashmir a distinct…