The very purpose of the Quad - to serve a collective answer to the Chinese hegemonic attitude in the Indo-Pacific…
The Kuala Lumpur Summit in Malaysia, which is being dubbed as the beginning of a new Islamic bloc, ostensibly to…
North Korea is ramping up its nuclear strength with an accelerated push to induct new technologies in order to modernize…
Not only was a guilty verdict passed upon General Pervez Musharraf, but he was meted the death sentence for high…
The Indian military is often criticized for not delivering in times of crisis. The Feb 2019 crisis is the most…
After the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act was passed in August 2019, Indian Occupied Kashmir was divided into two Union…
India has gradually transformed from a secular democracy into a Hindu majoritarian polity. This has happened in sequence to BJP’s…
The Arms Control and Disarmament (AC&D) is under strain due to renewed geopolitical tensions; evolving nuclear doctrines; the collapse of…
Military modernization, as theory and practice, has been the process of changes and sophistication in warfighting doctrines and military capabilities…
The post-Pulwama military crisis and India’s recent move to revoke articles 370 and 35(A), which gave Indian-held Kashmir a distinct…