Water Scarcity: 5 Things Pakistanis Need to Understand

6 years ago

Pakistan’s scarcity issue is not only attributed to the shortage of water resources. On the contrary, it is the division…

Will the EU-3 Countries Stand-up to their JCPOA Related Commitments?

6 years ago

The Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) - commonly known as the Iran deal, met in…

Political waves in South China Sea

6 years ago

Located in the Pacific Ocean, south of China, east of Vietnam, west of Philippines and home to presumably large oil…

Is CTBT the Next Target for President Trump’s Administration?

6 years ago

The CTBT is a binding, yet not an in effect treaty, formulated in 1996. It imposes a moratorium on all…

Emerging Deterrence Challenges in South Asia

6 years ago

It is an accepted fact that deterrence is a dynamic concept, depending upon changes in policy, doctrine and technology. This…

Pakistan, Britain & the Brexit Challenge

6 years ago

South Asians know for a fact that Britain takes a lot of time to leave – in our case couple…

SCO and Its Prospects for Steering Peace and Stability

6 years ago

In a speech on 11th September 1990, President George H.W. Bush coined a new phrase which he termed as a…

Escalation of the Crisis in the Persian Gulf

6 years ago

As an oil producing nation, the dominant western nations have done their best to keep Iran under their influence since…

US-INDIA Strategic Trade Authorization (STA-1) and COMCASA: A Strategic Assessment

6 years ago

In the global order, political and economic trends are highlighting strategic realignments, shifts in alliances and cooperation among states at…

India’s Balanced Missile Defence Cooperation with the US and Russia

6 years ago

Over the last few years, India has embarked on an extensive and all-encompassing military modernization program that has carried serious…