At the time of independence in 1947 from British rule, The US was among the very few countries that recognized Pakistan and established diplomatic relations. Both countries have a long history of collaboration and cooperation. Although the journey of friendship was not very smooth, rather bumpy, and experienced many ups and downs. The irony is that the US does not want to be a friend of Pakistan, not allow any other country to be a friend of Pakistan.


Pakistan was in the American camp for more than seven decades, a close ally during the cold war against the Communism threat, a front-line state in the Afghan war against the USSR invasion, and a close non-NATO ally in the War on Terror. Pakistan is the only country that has suffered the heaviest loss due to being a partner with the US in the Afghan war. 80,000 precious human lives were lost, much more than any NATO or ally nation. The estimated economic loss was around USD 250 billion and the social impact was severe; additionally, the menace of terrorism, extremism, intolerance, drugs, and gun culture were extra gifts. Yet Pakistan was penalized and the hardest sanctions were imposed on it.

Pakistan was protecting and looking after American interests in this region for almost seven decades, ensuring that the US achieved all its strategic goals in this region with its help. Since the US decided to keep its distance from Pakistan and prioritize its relations with India, the US has been facing one failure after another during the last several years.

The American policy shift to focus on India has been in place almost since 2004, unilaterally. The US has been leveraging from all directions, sometimes through the IMF and FATF, and sometimes through its friends like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and others. At times, it has directly threatened dire consequences.  Pakistan was and is willing to maintain good relations with the US. At least, Pakistan has nothing against America. If the US cannot be a good friend, at least there is no reason to hate Pakistan, coerce Pakistan, or penalize Pakistan.

As a matter of fact, during the seven decades of friendly relations, the US has achieved deep penetration into Pakistani society and the ruling elites. They understood the weakness of Pakistan and kept exploiting them. They have identified the greedy, corrupt, naïve, disgruntled and destitute Pakistanis. They keep close contact with them and always please them. In fact, they have cultivated some of them to be used to serve their goals in Pakistan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan, was educated, brought up and lived in the West, and is a moderate Muslim. His understanding of the West should have been utilized to bridge the East and West. He is the only Prime Minister in Pakistan having the highest number of foreign or dual nationals in his cabinet. Especially, in the key positions in the state, he has appointed very much pro-west individuals. Yet, the Americans do not like him, which is beyond understanding. Is his visit to Moscow or abstaining from the American motion in the UNSC, his vision of an independent sovereign state, or any other thing which might have irritated the US? Pakistan was always ruled by a pro-west elite, having deep stakes in the West. Some of the ruling elite or wealthy people keep their assets, money and families in the West or plan to move to the West after retirement. Their children are studying in, working in, or have migrated to the West.

Of course, the Prime Minister is sincere and loyal to the nation, which should not be taken against him. He got international attention as a moderate global leader and his efforts for global peace and stability gained momentum. All these acts should be taken positively, with no justification for punishing him.

The US has a track record of changing regimes around the world, though they might use different policies and action plans to change the regime in different countries. In Pakistan, they are using their agents and front-men for this purpose. Any attempt to change the regime in Pakistan on part of any foreign power is taken very seriously by the Pakistani public. As a nation, Pakistan is full of diversity and enjoys the highest degree of freedom of expression in the whole world. Our media is fully free and the judiciary is independent. It is believed that the people of Pakistan are wise enough to decide on their own leader, and any foreign intervention may become counterproductive.

In fact, the graph of Imran Khan’s popularity was declining due to poor governance, especially as a result of the price hike and enhanced inflation. But, with the foreign conspiracy, his popularity has improved a lot. Political activities are a healthy sign and we encourage the opposition to play a positive role and criticize the wrongdoings of the Government. But, if foreign agendas are being implemented, the nation is united to confront them collectively.

The coming few days are very critical in Pakistani politics. Although the ball is in the court of judiciary, yet, the public is urged to think smartly and decide their loyalties to any political party, based on their best judgment. All political parties are equally good to support and a healthy completion is good for the country. Even a strong opposition is the beauty of this society. However, it is urged to be loyal to the country and remain united against any foreign intervention or conspiracy. Each individual is responsible for deciding according to his/ her conscience. Respect the Constitution of the country and stay peaceful under all circumstances. Understand your rights and duties and emphasize duties too. Struggle to transform Pakistan into an independent, strong, and prosperous nation in the club of the civilized world.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect Strafasia’s position.

Zamir Ahmed Awan

Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, Founding Chair GSRRA, Sinologist, Diplomat, Editor, Analyst, Advisor, Consultant to Global South Economic and Trade Cooperation Research Center, and Non-Resident Fellow of CCG. (E-mail:

View Comments

  • I think author write this article in favor or Imran khan . No any information or any any authentic source .

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