Economy of Integration For South Asia: A Way Forward
Webinar held on 29th Oct 2021
Webinar held on 29th Oct 2021
The most important virtue that separates human beings from other kinds, be it animals or machines, is their cognitive ability. However, today, human-like intelligence is being induced in computers. This concept is called Artificial Intelligence […]
The changing alliances and power equilibrium among the United States, China, India, and Pakistan bear key implications on the inter-state rivalry and the consequent crisis dynamics in South Asia. South Asia is all set to […]
Afghanistan is a landlocked multiethnic country located in the heart of South-Central Asia. Its geo-strategic location has always tempted invaders. Owing to prolonged power struggles, external intervention and tribal affinities, Afghanistan has suffered throughout its history. Decades long […]
J.K. Rowling is cancelled. TikTok is cancelled. President Trump is cancelled. The Government of Hong Kong is cancelled.Iran is cancelled. Jeering crowds of critics, colleagues, trolls, students, activists, and strangers roar across the village square of the Internet. […]
Since the overt nuclearization of South Asia, the question of ‘nuclear learning’ has remained in the limelight. The term itself was introduced by Joseph Nye in 1987, as he endeavoured to examine US-Soviet relations during […]
Introduction. Often, when people think about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in warfare, their mind goes to the distant future. AI and warfare, however, are fast becoming inseparable terms. This was manifested on November […]
Webinar conducted on 15th Oct 2021 “CAN SCO Help Bring Peace in Afghanistan”
The Prime Minister Imran Khan, while talking to a Turkish television outlet, stated that Pakistan is in talks with some of the TTP groups and the Afghanistan Taliban are mediating in the process. If […]
“Every age has its own kind of war, its own limiting conditions, and its own peculiar preconceptions.” —Carl von Clausewitz Hybrid war is a way of waging a comprehensive conflict against an adversary. Nation states […]
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