2020, perceived as among the worst years in history, bringing misery but mostly catastrophic circumstances to the people of this world. One after another situation worsens and people of this world suffer a great deal. It all began when the deadly virus first encountered by China in 2019 which was spread later to the world. Covid-19 name was given to an airborne virus which transmits through being in contact with an infected person directly or indirectly. An indescribable rapid transmission of such a viral disease managed to generate international headlines. Later, the second layer of this virus attacked; creating more panic in the world. SARS-CoV-2 virus which is blamed for Covid-19 virus displays no genetic variation, suggesting that perhaps the outflow occurrence have strong manifestations as the virus may stay unidentified within the human body for so long. After a long devastating year on November 9, 2020; the announcement of Covid-19 vaccine was made. There are indeed major obstacles underway, however the announcement was warmly greeted among researchers who identified as “ear to ear” and several implying that in early summer people’s lives could be back on track.
While the world was celebrating the covid-19 vaccine, risk of another crisis to be leashed in the world. Covid-19 has introduced a new dimension to the indescribable plight for millions around the world with a framework in which civilians are being systematically targeted from both directions. Investigators around the globe emphasized that the world might be heading towards modern civil war. Civil wars have become increasingly widespread, lasts much longer as well as drawing enough foreign intervention in several areas of the world, including dangerous implications towards peace. Civil war can be defined as, “A violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state’s territory. Civil wars are thus distinguished from interstate conflicts (in which states fight other states), violent conflicts or riots not involving states (sometimes labeled inter-communal conflicts), and state repression against individuals who cannot be considered an organized or cohesive group, including genocides, and similar violence by non-state actors, such as terrorism or violent crime”. Civil war is by far the most widely quoted global complexities to describe the declining occurrence of interstate conflict are disrupted by peace, economic expansion, sustainable development, and many others. Participating countries, along with the United Nations, have issued an ultimatum to military confrontation to promote forces to combat the pandemic as Covid-19 travels across the globe. At the very same time, due to its harmful economic implications and by providing openings for resistance forces to target confused and vulnerable entrants, coronavirus can also cause and escalate armed conflict.
Modern armed conflict gradually altered its own essence within which invasions are now unlikely, although wars are much more prevalent. Researchers of University of Melbourne stated that within the first coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) pandemic, military warfare operations escalated over 5 nations. India, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and the Philippines all saw an outbreak of civil wars when either state instability or a lack of foreign attention was abused by opposing forces due to the pandemic. Any contemporary immigration clauses claim whereby, except if restricted as well as drastically changed, immigration would spark a civil war in the United States and perhaps other nations. The certain features in digital clashes are illustrated in the ongoing civil wars across Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Somalia, and many others. Different military forces battle against each other (both the government and rebel sides). As with the situations of Libya and Yemen, political divisions and military brawls also proceeded at same rate and perhaps escalated. Such a reality suggests that even the pandemic did not match a significant shift in the nature of such civil wars, amid all of its adverse effects, or it did however introduce a sustainable dynamic for stability.
Many of them require substantial participation from outside nations. Dr Tobias Ide, a Discovery Early Career Researcher Fellow from the School of Geography said, “What I found was that rebel groups try to exploit situations in which governments are busy with containing the pandemic and its economic fallout. Increased activities of the Islamic State in Iran are just one example. At the same time, there is little international protest or support as each country is focused on its own struggle with the virus.” While mentioning Covid-19 and armed conflicts, Dr. Ide expressed “Escalating armed conflicts pose significant obstacles when dealing with the pandemic as health infrastructure is destroyed and the government losses resources to respond to the virus.” Present debates on the restructuring of global health governance have been largely concerned with the efficiency and complex bureaucratic relationship of global health organizations. What could be even more important, though, is the capacity of global health governance systems to understand and engage in the complex political dynamics on the ground in civil war-torn countries.
Circumstances have worsened and the devastation leaving many unanswered questions in the public minds. Where the questions related to covid-19 vaccines and its affects haven’t been answered, individuals are in much more confused state related to civil war crisis. Covid-19 has not been tackled effectively yet by the government and now risk of civil war is up ahead, inducing more frustration as well as panic in the world. Individuals are afraid that if the world affairs prolonged like this, the damage which was caused by covid-19 will be nothing compared to the massacre civil war might bring. It is essential now that the government and their legal bodies should rethink about the policies and strategies to counter affairs immediately.
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