India’s Quest for NSG

India’s Quest for NSG

India has a history of diverting dual-use items for military purposes. In 1974 India diverted the Canadian supplied ‘CIRUS’ reactor for producing plutonium for its nuclear weapons test, which was contrary to the understanding that […]


Resurgence of Star Wars

Resurgence of Star Wars

Technology has become the enemy of peace itself. The case of ‘space weaponization’ presents an alarming situation that needs to be debated more frequently at the international level. Space weaponization is not a new term; […]


Addressing the Bane of Extremism
Featured Article

Addressing the Bane of Extremism

“Terrorism is a feverish expression of suffering, frustration and injustice.” French President Jacques Chirac Thanks to the international media, terrorism today has become synonymous, albeit incorrectly, with Islamic religious extremism which is projected to be […]
